There are many ways to still grow your own garden if you live in an apartment or rent a house in this post we’ll show you How to Grow a Garden While Renting.
Fabric Containers
Not only are these a good way to grow vegetables, they are also easy to move with the handles that each container has which allows you to place them in the ideal location to receive the correct amount of sunlight.
If you end up moving you can easily take them with you with a little care.
Fabric containers are easy to water, and no weeding is needed to allow little time to care for the plants.
The cost of the containers makes it affordable to grow your garden.
Container Gardens
One of the easiest ways to grow vegetables or fruit is to plant them in a container to place on your patio, porch, or deck.
To grow a garden this way you can either use nursery containers or planters that can be purchased that will provide your plant enough room to grow and provide you a crop to eat all summer long.
These containers can be plastic, ceramic, metal, or other material as long as they are large enough to support the plants and have drainage holes in the bottom to allow water to drain through.
Do not use Clay pots since these draw moisture from the soil.
Growing your Plants Vertically
You can grow a lot of plants vertically in small spaces using cages, trellis, and other structures allowing the plants to grow vertically instead of taking over the space on the ground.
How to Grow a Garden While Renting Using Potting Mixes
Be sure you use a quality potting mix and not just dirt from your garden when planting in pots and planters, this will allow good drainage for root growth.
Dampen the planting mix before placing it in the pot and adding the plants this will help the planting mix absorb water later.
Add your organic fertilizers and mix in the planting mix to give the plants a good soil to develop a strong root system.
In the bottom of the container, you can add water retention products to the soil to allow them to retain water deep where you want the roots to thrive. One way to do this is to open up a disposable diaper and remove the cellulose material to mix in the bottom of the container with the soil.
Variety of Vegetable or Fruit
It is important to select a plant that will not be too large for your pot or planter to grow in. For Tomatoes, you should select a determinate variety or have a way to support the larger plants with a trellis.
Location, Location, Location
It is critical to place your potted plants in a location where they will receive the best direct sunlight possible for 7-8 hours and to try to avoid the late afternoon heat that will dry out your plants.
It is critical to water consistently to prevent plants from drying out or getting too much water. Treat them the same as if you had planted them in the ground. Water when the soil is dry 2 inches below the surface watering the roots and not the leaves by applying a deep watering.
If you water too much your plants can get blossom end rot, especially tomatoes, squash, and peppers.
A soil too dry is just as bad as if you water too much.
Feeding your Plants
It is very important to feed your plants with organic fertilizers on a regular basis to grow a strong plant that will produce a large crop of fruit or vegetables for you to enjoy.
Use the same types of organic fertilizers that you would use if you planted them in the ground.
Companion Planting
Companion planting is a great way to utilize the space in your pots to support several plants and give you a good variety of vegetables in a small space. Planting basil with your tomatoes is a great companion grouping.
How to Grow a Garden While Renting Plant List
These are some of the best vegetable and fruit plants to grow in pots and planters, explore what you can do with limited space to enjoy gardening without the task of weeding.
All Herbs
Now that you know How to Grow a Garden While Renting an apartment or house you can get started growing many fruit, vegetables, herbs, and flowers.